poems fondue

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

self-portrait [assessing the subject]

grey hairs draped over the nape
like a waterfall
crashing at the base of the head

who from a great many ages holds erect
beams of wealth in the oral tradition,
pasted cantos,
| wall | to | wall | patterns |
of speech

they must be had
before this man ends—
when conjoined the line of souls discolored
who smoke like sulfur scent skyward

austere from redundance;
the tired shades and seasons

crouching behind him—in the silence

we are conscious of our lungs
we are tickled with fever in the tall grass
for a smooth acre of flesh to place our hand.


Anonymous Anonymous dijó...

I likes it...

10:21 PM  
Blogger Frank Cotolo dijó...

Hey, Andy, it's me, Frank Cotolo. What the hell are you doin'?

I need some time to make Buk digital files. In the meantime you can write more poetry and get a Henry Miller book and rent a copy of BARFLY.

I like your blog, but there is this humungous black hole before you get to any text.


5:18 PM  

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